active projects

electronic / ambient / vaporwave

breach [2022]

composition, performance, recording, production, album art

Ghost Levels, Vol. 1 [2019]

composition, performance, recording, production, album art

rock / pop / shoegaze

Dream Pop EP [2020]

synthesizers, vocals, guitar, recording, editing, production and album art

Learn to Have Nothing and You Will Have Everything [2018]

synthesizers, vocals, recording, production

rap / pop / electronic

Here, Together [2022]

synthesizers, vocals, production

Well That Was Different [2019]

synthesizers, vocals, production

deep cuts

ambient / hauntology / improvisation

experimental / sound collage / hauntology

electronic / noise / improvisation

EDM / dark ambient / improvisation

spoken word / chaos magick / improvisation

Our Bodies Ourselves [2017]

composition / performance

Live @ Tinker-Town [2016]

composition / performance, recording, production, album art

Archon Immolation [2015]

composition, performance, recording, production, album art

noise rock / shoegaze / punk

ambient / drone / improvisation

Photo Album in the Attic [2020]

composition / performance, recording, production, art

oscuro [2017]

composition, performance, recording, production, album art

Drifts EP [2013]

composition, performance, recording


composition / performance, recording, production